Good vibes only
By Marlien Wright from The Yoga Kitchen
Celebrating International Day of Yoga for me is about setting good intentions and transforming #badvibes into #goodvibes. My intention for the remainder of this year is to be kind to myself, the planet and others, for me that means letting myself and others off the hook for past mistakes and approaching the future with a clean slate. Below is a lovely soup recipe served up in some sexy Rialheim ceramics. This soup is 100% nourishing and delicious.
Beetroot Bliss
Serves 2
The fibre in beetroot has been shown to increase the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and eliminating abnormal cells. Beetroots have been ranked as one of the 10 most potent antioxidant vegetables and are also one of the richest sources of glutamine, an amino acid, essential to the health and maintenance of the intestinal tract.
8 medium beetroot, washed, topped and tailed, then quartered
1/2 teaspoon of chilli flakes (dried chilli)
2 cups of vegetable stock, or chicken broth
¼ cup of coconut cream
Pink or sea salt to taste
Garnish: Coconut dukah
Add absolutely all the ingredients APART from the coconut cream to a soup pot, and bring it to the boil, then reduce the heat to allow simmering for approx.60 min.
Next take the pot off the heat, and allow cooling for 5 minutes, then blitz it to a silky smooth consistency with your hand blender. Serve with a swirl of coconut cream and crunchy Coconut Dukah.
For more information and recipes like these please visit and be sure to look out for Marlien's latest book, The Mandala Kitchen launching soon.
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